讲座:Welcome Back Former Employees with Open Arms: A Theory of Boomerang Employees 发布时间:2024-05-29

题    目:Welcome Back Former Employees with Open Arms: A Theory of Boomerang Employees

嘉    宾殷臻达 访问助理教授 上海交通大学

主持人:喻    洋  副教授 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院

时    间:2024年6月7日(周五)14:00-15:30

地    点:  上海交通大学徐汇校区安泰经济与管理学院B716


Boomerang employees—former employees who return to an organization after a departure—are important compositions of workforce in the labor market but have received limited attentions in the literature.  Under the hypothesis of asymmetric employer learning, we provide a theory of boomerang employees.  We show that the possibility of boomerang employees (i.e., if an employer can rehire workers who left it in a previous period) induces more market competition, which forces an employer to make more efficient personnel decisions (e.g., job assignments and firm-sponsored training) and, in turn, increases the joint surplus of an employment relationship.  The theory explains why an employer has incentives to foster a welcoming culture towards returning employees.  Besides that, the theory captures evidence concerning the pay, promotion prospect, and performance comparison of different types of workers, including incumbents, new hires, and returnees.  In addition, the theory rationalizes various real-world practices concerning boomerang employees and sheds new lights on labor-market regulations concerning worker turnover.


Zhenda Yin is visiting Assistant Professor of Economics at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He obtained his PhD degree in Economics from Cornell University. His main areas of interests are Labor Economics and Industrial Organizations. In particular, he explores issues related to organizations of work, matching firms with workers, and skill development; he is also interested in topics related to digital economy such as platforms and online advertising. He has published in Journal of Labor Economics. He has served as a guest commentator for CCTV and referees for Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Labor Economics, RAND Journal of Economics, Economic Journal, etc.

