讲座:Helping Vulnerable Hospitals: Evidence from Medical Poverty Alleviation 发布时间:2024-06-27
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题 目:Helping Vulnerable Hospitals: Evidence from Medical Poverty Alleviation
嘉 宾:李强,助理教授,劳瑞尔大学
主持人:江浦平 助理教授 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院
时 间:2024年7月3日(周三)14:00-15:30pm
地 点:安泰楼A507室
Healthcare resources in developing countries are often unevenly distributed, creating significant challenges for the equitable delivery of medical services. To address this, governments and nonprofits have initiated medical poverty alleviation programs (MPAPs) targeting underresourced hospitals in remote areas. However, the effectiveness of these initiatives in improving hospital and physician performance remains under-studied. Our research addresses this gap by evaluating the impact of an MPAP on service efficiency and quality at an underresourced hospital, using a difference-in-differences approach with the introduction of external experts. We focus on service time and 7-day revisit rates as key outcomes. Our findings indicate significant enhancements in medical service quality and efficiency due to the program, especially benefiting local physicians who (i) possess less professional experience, (ii) have served as medical assistants to external experts, and (iii) exhibit an appropriate difference in experience relative to these experts.
Qiang Li is an Assistant Professor in the Operations and Decision Science area at Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo. In his research, Dr. Li uses econometric methods and experiments to improve platform and medical operations. The applications of his current research include retail platforms, OM-AI interfaces such as generative AI and Human-Computer Interaction, and healthcare operations. Additionally, he is interested in developing causal inference algorithms to better understand causality. Dr. Li’s research has been recognized by various prizes, including the 2019 INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group (JFIG) Paper Competition award and as a finalist in the 2021 MSOM SIG Best Paper Competition in Service Management. His research has also been widely covered by HBR, The Robin Report, and other media outlets.