讲座:Carbon Managerial Ability and Climate Risk Exposure 发布时间:2024-09-12

题 目:Carbon Managerial Ability and Climate Risk Exposure

嘉 宾:Le LUO Associate Professor Macquarie University

主持人:黄立 助理教授 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院

时 间:2024年10月10日(周四)10:00-11:30

地 点:上海交通大学 徐汇校区安泰楼A403室



Using a large international sample of firms, we examine the relation between carbon management ability (CMA) and firm-level climate risk exposure. We find that CMA is negatively associated with climate risk exposure. More importantly, we show that firms with high-CMA managers tend to achieve reduction in climate risk exposure through enhancing regulatory compliance (less stakeholder rights violations), reducing environmental, social, and governance related controversies, investing in research and development, undertaking more extensive emission reduction initiatives, and cultivating a favorable corporate culture. Cross-sectional analyses indicate that the negative association between CMA and climate risk exposure is stronger for firms in carbon-intensive sectors and firms with a dedicated corporate sustainability committee. Further, we reveal that CMA exerts a greater influence on climate risk exposure in stakeholder-oriented countries and in countries that have signed the Paris Agreement. Finally, we reveal that firms with high-CMA managers tend to have better financial performance. Overall, our findings indicate that CMA plays a crucial role in driving firms towards more sustainable and responsible business practices, leading to better corporate performance and enhanced corporate reputation.



罗乐,现任麦考瑞大学商学院会计与公司治理系副教授,主要研究领域为碳会计、环境会计、企业可持续发展和公司治理。在国际会计权威学术期刊Review of Accounting Studies、Journal of Banking and Finance、British Accounting Review、European Accounting Review、Energy Economics等发表50篇文章。2021-2023年连续三年入选由科睿唯安公布的全球2%高被引科学家榜单(会计领域)。


