讲座:Making “Ugly” Alluring: Information Presentation Strategies to Increase Donations to Normatively Unattractive Animals 发布时间:2024-09-29

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题 目:Making “Ugly” Alluring: Information Presentation Strategies to Increase Donations to Normatively Unattractive Animals

嘉 宾:Liang Shen(沈靓) , Ph.D. Candidate, University of Cincinnati

主持人:才凤艳 教授 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院

时 间:2024年10月9日(周三)13:30-15:00

地 点:上海交通大学 徐汇校区 安泰经济与管理学院A305


Biodiversity loss is ranked as one of the top threats to sustainable development. However, efforts to raise money to preserve different species are not always successful; normatively unattractive animals receive fewer donations and support because their physical appearance elicits an avoidance response. To mitigate this problem, we suggest that visual and verbal information can be used strategically to elicit different information processing styles. Specifically, unattractiveness conveyed through verbal information is likely to pique curiosity, increase learning intention and donations whereas unattractiveness conveyed visually elicits the expected negative affective reactions and hurts donations. Importantly, we show that altering the relative dominance of modalities (e.g., presentation order, relative size), while keeping the information constant, is sufficient to change the processing styles and elicit these effects. Nine studies provided supportive evidence for our propositions. Theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.


沈靓是辛辛那提大学林德纳商学院营销学博士生,拥有浙江大学市场营销学学士学位及上海交通大学管理学硕士学位。她的研究兴趣涵盖消费心理学多个领域,尤其专注于消费者的可持续行为、信息模态与感官营销、以及消费者对威胁和风险的认知与应对。她的毕业论文致力于运用消费心理学理论推动生物多样性保护的可持续发展,获得ACR-Sheth Foundation Dissertation Award和辛辛那提大学毕业论文奖学金。

