讲座:Brain Speaks Louder Than Words 发布时间:2024-10-09

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题 目:Brain Speaks Louder Than Words

嘉 宾:Qi Zhao(赵起) , Ph.D. Candidate, The Pennsylvania State University

主持人:才凤艳 教授 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院

时 间:2024年10月16日(周三)13:30-15:00

地 点:上海交通大学 徐汇校区 安泰经济与管理学院A305


We propose a novel approach to infer customer opinions (e.g., preferences) directly from cognitive processing patterns, bypassing potential self-reporting biases and enabling real-time, passive inference through continuous customer experiences. Our method is grounded in cognitive dissonance theory, which posits that individuals engage in more systematic cognitive processing when confronted with opinions that conflict with their own. Leveraging this, we sequentially present statements with strong opinions to participants and observe their cognitive processing through neuroscientific measurement. For validation, we conduct a lab study to collect and infer participants’ food preferences. Results reveal significant neural indicators of increased systematic processing in response to incongruent statement exposure. Consequently, the proposed approach infers the underlying preference to be opposite in valence to the statement eliciting systematic processing. Compared to benchmark methods, our approach demonstrates significantly higher preference prediction accuracy when systematic processing dominates, offering a distinct advantage by eliminating the need for direct participant input and supporting applications where uninterrupted engagement is critical.


Qi Zhao is a Ph.D. candidate in Marketing at Penn State University. He obtained M.A. in Statistics from Columbia University and Bachelor of Economics from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. Qi’s recent research leverages emerging digital technologies (e.g., virtual reality and biometric) to study customer behavior and improve marketing practices. As an empirical modeler, Qi also focuses on fundamental methodological issues in marketing research and provides more effective endogeneity correction and marketing analytics tools.

