讲座:Store Visits, Locations, and Customer Preferences: Market Structure Analysis with Customer Trajectories in Shopping Malls 发布时间:2024-11-07

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题 目:Store Visits, Locations, and Customer Preferences: Market Structure Analysis with Customer Trajectories in Shopping Malls

嘉 宾:姚岱 副教授 香港理工大学工商管理学院

主持人:才凤艳 教授 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院

时 间:2024年11月20日(周三)13:30-15:00

地 点:上海交通大学 徐汇校区 安泰经济与管理学院A305


This paper conducts market structure analysis in retail agglomerations using unique trajectory data from 10 million customers across two shopping malls. We use a scalable deep embedding method to construct “store co-visit similarity” based on co-visitation patterns. This metric captures both consumer brand preferences and the impact of store locations, summarizing realistic inter-brand relationships for brick-and-mortar stores. We augment the trajectory data with consumer surveys and mall layouts, allowing us to decompose the store co-visit similarity into stated brand preferences (28%), store locations (22%), and other unobservables (50%). This decomposition suggests the substantial role of factors beyond stated preferences and location in shaping inter-brand relationships. We demonstrate our measure’s effectiveness in capturing substitution patterns through two applications. First, we show how our measure captures consumer substitution in response to temporary store closures. Second, we conduct a counterfactual analysis of changing store locations, showing that co-visit similarity better predicts transition probabilities between stores compared to a model that simply combines perception and location data.


姚岱博士是香港理工大学商学院营销学副教授。他在2014年获得欧洲工商管理学院管理学(市场营销)博士学位,2009年获得新加坡管理大学运营管理硕士学位,以及在2006年获得清华大学计算机科学与技术专业工学学士学位。他的研究和实践主要基于统计学(Statistics),人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),神经科学(Neuroscience),以及经济学(Economics)等多学科知识融合,并聚焦在高新技术赋能的各类商业场景里的用户和企业的行为分析,比如数字经济,网络直播带货,共享经济,平台经济,全渠道营销等。他在世界顶级管理和营销期刊发表多篇论文,包括营销科学(Marketing Science),管理科学(Management Science),营销研究期刊(Journal of Marketing Research),生产与运营管理期刊(Production and Operations Management),营销科学学院期刊(Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science)等。他曾任职于新加坡国立大学,微软亚洲研究院,网易,印孚瑟斯(Infosys)等高等院校、研究机构、以及跨国企业。

