讲座:A Customer Choice Model of Impulse Buying in Social Commerce 发布时间:2022-11-02

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题 目: A Customer Choice Model of Impulse Buying in Social Commerce

嘉 宾:Yuan Guo, Ph.D. Candidate, Duke University

主持人:花成 助理教授 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院

时 间:2022年11月5日(周六)9:00-10:30am

地 点:腾讯会议(校内师生如需获取会议号和密码,请于11月4日下午17点前发送电邮至managementscience@acem.sjtu.edu.cn)


Social commerce integrates user interactions and user-generated content with commercial activities in the context of social media platforms. Examples include Instagram Shopping and TikTok Shopping, where brands attach product tags directly in their posts and users can complete their purchase by clicking on these tags. A social media user’s on-site purchase decision involves a transformation of the mindset from “social” to “shopping” stimulated by the impulse to purchase upon seeing. We propose a novel choice model that captures the users’ impulsive behavior and limited attention span while browsing products in social media platforms. We consider a seller’s product display problem on a product page and examine two strategies to sell through social media: under “shop now” users are re-directed to the seller’s website to complete the purchase, whereas under “buy now” users can make the purchase directly on the social media platform. We find that, depending on the product preferences and the users’ pattern of attention decay, the optimal display set can be monotone decreasing or increasing (in cardinality) in the level of impulsiveness of the customer population. This, in turn, impacts the seller’s optimal selling strategy. We further explore the role of influencers and how companies can leverage their presence in social media platforms.


Yuan Guo is a PhD candidate in Operations Management from the Fuqua School of Business, Duke University. Before joining Duke, she graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and studied Materials Science and Engineering. Her current research interest lies in customer choice modeling and revenue management problems emerging from new retail settings.


