
Qinghua ZHU

  • Department:Management Science
  • Phone:+86 (0)21 62933203
  • Title:Professor
  • Email:qhzhu@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Research interests includes green supply chain management, ESG and remanufacucturing management.

    Dr. Qinghua Zhu is a chair professor in Antai College of Economics & Management at Shanghai Jiaotong University. She has led 10 research projects at the national level and 9 projects at the provincial or ministry level. She has published five books as well as over 200 papers including 132 SCI/SSCI indexed papers in English journals. The total citations of her papers are over 18796 (h-index of 63) and 38832 (h-index of 80) for ISI Web of Science and Google Scholar, respectively. She was a Highly Cited Researcher (Clarivate Analytics) for 2018, 2019 and 2022. She received the Journal of Operations Management 2004 Best Paper Finalist Award, and the 2009 Academy of Management Best Paper Award for emerging markets. She is currently an editor of International Journal of Production Economics, a Strategic Advisory Council member of Journal of Supply Chain Management, an associate editor of International Journal of Operations and Production Management, as well as an editorial or advisory board member for ten English journals including Business Strategy and the Environment. 

    Representative research projects:

    (1)    Science Fund for Creative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (72221001), “Sustainable operations management”, RMB8,000,000, January 2023-December 2027.

    (2)    National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (71025002), “Logistics and supply chain management”, RMB1,400,000, January 2011-December 2014.

    (3)    Project 3 for Major Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (72192833), “Resource efficient utilization and low-carbon management for manufacture-circulation industrial systems”, RMB2,250,000, January 2022-December 2026; Program title: Theories and methods for manufacture-circulation industrial systems, RMB11,900,000.

    (4)    Key project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (71632007), “Sustainable supply chain coordinated management and innovation”, RMB2,400,000, January 2017-December 2021.

    (5)    National Key Basic Research Program of China (973 Program- The fundamental science research of remanufacturing for Machinery Equipment RMB34,000,000) Project 6 (2011CB013406), “Theories of decision support and comprehensive evaluation for remanufacturing processes”, RMB4,020,000, November 2011-August 2016.

  • Operations Management

    Sustainable Supply Chain Management

    Environment, Social and Governance

    Business Ethics
