

  • 系 别:数据与商务智能系
  • 办公电话: 52301361
  • 职 称:教授
  • 电子邮箱:ddge@sjtu.edu.cn
  • 上海交通大学智能计算研究院院长、数据与商务智能系特聘教授。目前主持国家自然科学基金杰出青年项目,重大项目。曾主持国家自然科学基金原创探索项目等。负责数学规划开源求解器LEAVES,及数学规划专业求解器COPT的开发。也负责上海市数学优化算法技术创新中心、上海市求解器自主研发与产业应用协同创新中心,上海数学与交叉学科研究院人工智能中心建设。





    2004-08 至 2009-08, 斯坦福大学, 管理科学与工程, 博士 

    1999-08 至 2004-07, 纽约州立大学石溪分校, 数学,计算机,硕士 

    1995-07 至 1999-07, 南开大学, 数学, 学士 


    2024至今, 上海交通大学, 安泰经济与管理学院, 特聘教授;智能计算研究院,院长

    2013-2023,上海财经大学, 信息管理与工程学院, 教授;交叉科学研究院,院长 

    2009-2013, 上海交通大学, 安泰经济与管理学院, 讲师,副教授

  • 近期论文(2021-今):

    1. Reward Learning From Preference With Ties, J Liu, D Ge, R Zhu, Submitted to AAAI 2025. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.05328,2024

    2. Dispatching Automated Guided Vehicles Using Efficient Data-Driven Optimization. H Qin, X Zhao, J Liu, D Ge, R Zhu. Submitted to MSOM. Available at SSRN 4959037, 2024

    3. Early Birds versus Last-Minute Arrivals: Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Analysis of Arrival Time Queueing GameX Zhao, Y Ding, D Ge, X XieSubmitted to MSOM. Available at SSRN 49558032024

    4. Solving Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling Problem via Graph Neural Network Based Deep Reinforcement LearningH Li, H Zhang, Z He, Y Jia, B Jiang, X Huang, D GeSubmitted to AAAI 2025. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.009682024

    5.    Accelerating Low-Rank Factorization-Based Semidefinite Programming Algorithms on GPUQ Han, Z Lin, H Liu, C Chen, Q Deng, D Ge, Y YearXiv preprint arXiv:2407.150492024

    6.    An enhanced alternating direction method of multipliers-based interior point method for linear and conic optimizationQ Deng, Q Feng, W Gao, D Ge, B Jiang, Y Jiang, J Liu, T Liu, C Xue, Y Ye, C zhangINFORMS Journal on Computing2024

    7.    ORLM: Training Large Language Models for Optimization ModelingZ Tang, C Huang, X Zheng, S Hu, Z Wang, D Ge, B WangSubmitted to OR. arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.177432024

    8.    Restarted Primal-Dual Hybrid Conjugate Gradient Method for Large-Scale Quadratic ProgrammingY Huang, W Zhang, H Li, W Xue, D Ge, H Liu, Y YeSubmitted to IJOC. arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.161602024

    9.    Sketched Newton Value Iteration for Large-Scale Markov Decision ProcessesJ Liu, C Xie, Q Deng, D Ge, Y YeProceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 (12), AAAI 2024, 2024

    10.    Trust Region Methods For Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization Beyond Lipschitz SmoothnessC Xie, C Li, C Zhang, Q Deng, D Ge, Y YeThe 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence AAAI 20242024

    11.    Learning to Pivot as a Smart ExpertT Liu, S Pu, D Ge, Y YeThe 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence AAAI 20242024

    12.  A Low-Rank ADMM Splitting Approach for Semidefinite ProgrammingQ Han, C Li, Z Lin, C Chen, Q Deng, D Ge, H Liu, Y YeMajor Revision on IJOC. arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.091332024

    13.  Decoupling Learning and Decision-Making: Breaking the  Barrier in Online Resource Allocation with First-Order MethodsW Gao, C Sun, C Xue, D Ge, Y YearXiv preprint arXiv:2402.071082024

    14.  Nonlinear modeling and interior point algorithm for the material flow optimization in petroleum refineryF Dong, D Ge, L Yang, Z Wei, S Guo, H XuElectronic Research Archive 32 (2), 915-9272024

    15.  A Homogenization Approach for Gradient-Dominated Stochastic OptimizationJ Tan, C Xue, C Zhang, Q Deng, D Ge, Y YeThe Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence UAI 20242024

    16.  cuPDLP-C: A Strengthened Implementation of cuPDLP for Linear Programming by C languageH Lu, J Yang, H Hu, Q Huangfu, J Liu, T Liu, Y Ye, C Zhang, D GearXiv preprint arXiv:2312.148322023

    17.  A Universal Trust-Region Method for Convex and Nonconvex OptimizationY Jiang, C He, C Zhang, D Ge, B Jiang, Y YearXiv preprint arXiv:2311.114892023

    18.  Solving Linear Programs with Fast Online Learning AlgorithmsW Gao, D Ge, C Sun, Y Ye. ICML'23: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning2023

    19. A Homogeneous Second-Order Descent Method for Nonconvex Optimization. Chuwen Zhang, Dongdong Ge, Chang He, Bo Jiang, Yuntian Jiang, Chenyu Xue, Yinyu Ye, Major Revision on Mathematics of Operations Research. 2023

    20.  Homogeneous Second-Order Descent Framework: A Fast Alternative to Newton-Type MethodsC He, Y Jiang, C Zhang, D Ge, B Jiang, Y Ye. Major Revision on Mathematical Programming. arXiv preprint arXiv:2306.175162023

    21.  Pre-trained Mixed Integer Optimization through Multi-variable Cardinality BranchingY Chen, W Gao, D Ge, Y YearXiv preprint arXiv:2305.123522023

    22.  Stochastic Dimension-reduced Second-order Methods for Policy OptimizationJ Liu, C Xie, Q Deng, D Ge, Y YearXiv preprint arXiv:2301.121742023

    23.  SOLNP+: A Derivative-Free Solver for Constrained Nonlinear OptimizationD Ge, T Liu, J Liu, J Tan, Y YeACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Accepted, 2024. arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.07160.

    24.  Cardinal Optimizer (COPT) user guideD Ge, Q Huangfu, Z Wang, J Wu, Y YearXiv preprint arXiv:2208.143142022

    25.  Bayesian dynamic learning and pricing with strategic customersX Chen, J Gao, D Ge, Z WangProduction and Operations Management 31 (8), 3125-31422022

    26.  DRSOM: A Dimension Reduced Second-Order MethodC Zhang, D Ge, C He, B Jiang, Y Jiang, Y YearXiv preprint arXiv:2208.002082022

    27.  Randomized Branching Strategy in Solving SCUC ModelR Cao, Y Chen, W Gao, J Gao, Y Zhang, C Lu, D Ge2022 4th International Conference on Power and Energy TechnologyICPET 2022

    28.  Hdsdp: Software for semidefinite programmingW Gao, D Ge, Y YeMinor Revision on ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.138622022

    29.  Optimization and operations research in mitigation of a pandemicCH Chen, YH Du, DD Ge, L Lei, YY YeJournal of the Operations Research Society of China 10 (2), 289-3042022

    30.  JD. com: Operations research algorithms drive intelligent warehouse robots to workH Qin, J Xiao, D Ge, L Xin, J Gao, S He, H Hu, JG CarlssonINFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 52 (1), 42-552022

    31.  Uncertainty quantification for demand prediction in contextual dynamic pricingY Wang, X Chen, X Chang, D GeProduction and Operations Management 30 (6), 1703-17172021

    32.  From an interior point to a corner point: smart crossoverD Ge, C Wang, Z Xiong, Y YeMinor Revision on IJOC. arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.094202021

    33.  A Gradient Descent Method for Estimating the Markov Chain Choice ModelL Fu, DD GeJournal of the Operations Research Society of China, 1-112021



    1Cardinal Optimizer(COPT): 领导了国内首个专业数学优化软件开发,目前有线性规划、整数规划、半定规划、二阶锥规划、二阶凸规划、混合整数二阶锥规划、混合整数半正定规划等模块,均在第三方测试榜单上排名世界前二,具体信息请参见:http://plato.asu.edu/bench.html, https://shanshu.ai/solver, 以及 Cardinal Optimizer (COPT) User Guide 2022, https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.14314

    2LEAVES mathematical programming solver: 国内首个开源数学规划软件,2016年发布,包括了线性规划、几何规划等模块。



  • 优化算法,智能决策,人工智能在人文学科中的应用
