

  • 系 别:会计系
  • 办公电话:+86 (0)21 52301046
  • 职 称:教授
  • 电子邮箱:xuxd@sjtu.edu.cn
  • 徐晓东,安徽桐城人,上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院会计系教授、博士生导师。2003年6月获得清华大学经济管理学院首届四年制会计学博士学位,之后在中国人民大学商学院会计系任教。2004年8月至2006年8月获香港特区政府资助,在香港理工大学会计及金融学院从事博士后工作。2006年12月到上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院会计系任教。2011年12月至2012年12月在美国哥伦比亚大学商学院进行访问研究,为国家公派访问学者。

    曾在《经济研究》、《数量经济技术经济研究》、《管理评论》、《南开管理评论》、China Accounting and Finance Review, China Finance Review International等核心期刊以及Journal of Business Ethics,Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, International Review of Financial Analysis, Business Strategy and the Environment,Journal of Cleaner Production等国外英文SSCI/SCI期刊发表学术论文60余篇;多次参加美国会计年会和欧洲会计年会并与会报告论文。许多论文产生了重要的学术影响,其中发表在《经济研究》上的2篇论文,其历年被引频次分别达到3100次以上和2400次以上,居《经济研究》期刊全部论文历年被引频次的前10位和前20位内。英文论文总被引频次超1600次,多篇论文被认定为高被引论文。


    曾获清华大学“优秀博士学位论文二等奖”、“小林实论文奖”。2008、2010、2011年上海交通大学年度考核优秀。2013年“上海市浦江人才计划”获得者;2018年荣获安泰经管学院优秀硕士论文指导教师奖;2019年荣获安泰经管学院年度最受MBA学生欢迎教师奖。2019年发表在China Finance Review International 上的论文“Investment - internal capital sensitivity, investment - cash flow sensitivity and dividend payment”被选为2020年Emerald Literati卓越奖(2020 Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence)的高度推荐论文(Highly Commended Awards)。


  • 发表论文主要如下:

    Ning Tang, Xiaodong Xu(Corresponding author), Yuan-Teng Hsu, Chih-Yung Lin. 2024.The impact of ESG distance on mergers and acquisitions, International Review of Financial Analysis, SSCI期刊论文,已接受。

    Jianli Sui , Wenqiang Lv , Huailing Xie , Xiaodong Xu(Corresponding author),2023.Towards Low-Carbon Agricultural Production: Evidence from China’s Main Grain-Producing Areas,Finance Research Letters,SSCI期刊论文,已接受。

    Feng,M.M. ,X. Wang,X.D. Xu(Corresponding author),and M.J. Zhou,2023,“Do CEO who are raising daughters reduce a company’s risk-taking?” Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies,期刊论文(SSCI),已接受。


    Xu,X.D,Y.Y.Mu(Corresponding author) and J.Wang“Corporate risk and financial asset holdings”,Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2023, 81: 1-28. 期刊论文(SSCI),已接受。

    Xu,X.D.,J.Wang and Y.Y.Mu(Corresponding author),"Don’t bite off more than you can chew: commodity price volatility and corporate innovation", Applied Economics Letters, 2023: 1-8.  期刊论文(SSCI),已接受。

    Xie,H.L.,X,D.Xu (Corresponding author) and Y.T.Hsu,"Does disclosure of customers’ identities benefit a company’s performance in the product market? Evidence from China". Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2023. 期刊论文(SSCI),已接受。


    Haina Shi, Byron Y. Song, Huifeng Xu, and Xiaodong Xu. 2023. Mandatory CSR disclosure and analyst forecast properties: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China. China Journal of Accounting Research 16(2).1-24

    Xu,H.F.,X.D.Xu and J.L.Yu,2021,"The effect of mandatory CSR disclosure on the cost of debt: evidence from China".Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 57(8), 2191-2205.(SSCI期刊) 

    Wang,X.,M.M.Feng and X.D.Xu (Corresponding author), 2019,"Political connections of independent directors and firm internationalization: An empirical study of Chinese listed firms".Pacific-Basin Finance Journal,58(December), 1-17.(SSCI期刊)

    Liu,Z.M., S.X. Zeng, X.D. Xu,H. Lin, H.Y. Ma,2019, "Corporate misconduct, trade credit and charitable donations: evidence from Chinese listed companies".Chinese Management Studies,13(3): 664-686.(SSCI期刊)

    Xu,X.D. and Xu, H.F.,2019." Investment-Internal Capital Sensitivity, Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity and Dividend Payment", China Finance Review International,9(2),183-207.


    沈宇峰、徐晓东,2019,“制度环境、政治关联与企业的环保投资——来自A股上市公司的经验证据”,系统管理学报, 28(3),415-428。

    Xu, X. D., S. X. Zeng and H.Q.Chen, 2018. "Signaling Good by Doing Good: How Does Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility  Affect International Expansion?" Business Strategy and the Environment, 27,946-959.(SSCI期刊)

    Chen, X., Y. Sun and X.D. Xu (Corresponding author), 2016, “Free Cash Flow, Over-Investment and Corporate Governance in China”, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Vol. 37 Iss:1, pp. 81-103. (SSCI期刊)

    Xu, X. D., S. X. Zeng, H. L. Zou, and Jonathan J. Shi, 2016 "The Impact of Corporate Environmental Violation on Shareholders’ Wealth: A Media Coverage Perspective". Business Strategy and the Environment, Vol. 25 Iss:2,pp.73-91.(SSCI期刊). 


    Meng, X. H.,S. X. Zeng,C. M. Tam,X. D. Xu,2013."Whether Top Executives' Turnover Influences Environmental Responsibility: From the Perspective of Environmental Information Disclosure". Journal of Business Ethics,  Vol. 114 Iss:2, pp.341-353.(SSCI/FT45期刊)

    Zeng, S.X., X.D. Xu, H.T. Yin, and Vivian W.Y. Tam.,2012."Factors that Drive Chinese Listed Companies in Voluntary Disclosure of Environmental Information".Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 109 Iss:3, pp.309-321.(SSCI/FT45期刊)


    Xu, X.D.,X. Wang,and N. Han,2012, "Accounting Conservatism, Ultimate Ownership and Investment Efficiency". China Finance Review International,Vol. 2 Iss:1, pp.53 - 77.

    Xu,X. D., S. X. Zeng,and C. M. Tam,2012,"Stock Market's Reaction to Disclosure of Environmental Violations: Evidence from China".Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 107 Iss:2, pp.227-237.(SSCI/FT45期刊)

    王霞、徐晓东、王宸,2011. "承销商声誉、收益与创业板公司资金超募",《华东师范大学学报》,43(3):136-143.

    徐晓东、王霞,2010. "外部权益保护、控制权利益与委托-代理理论",《系统管理学报》,19(6):601-609.

    Xu, X.D.,X. Wang,and Y. Jin, 2010, "Releasing of Restricted Shares, Firm Quality, and Market Trading Activity", China Finance Review International, Vol. 1 Iss: 1, pp.78 - 97.

    Zeng, S.X., X.D. Xu, Z.Y. Dong, and Vivian W.Y. Tam., 2010, "Towards Corporate Environmental Information Disclosure: An Empirical Study in China". Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol.18, no.12, pp.1142-1148.(SCI/SSCI期刊)

    徐晓东,王霞.2010. "现金流量,公司结构的流动性约束与投资的关系研究",《管理工程学报》,24(3):55-60.

    徐晓东,王霞,董元田.2010. "大股东的所有权与企业的投资行为研究",《中大管理研究》,5(2):26-47.

    徐晓东,张天西.2009. "公司治理、自由现金流与非效率投资".《财经研究》,10:47-58.

    王霞,徐晓东.2009. "审计重要性水平、事务所规模与审计意见".《财经研究》,35(1):37-48.

    Chen, Xiaoyue, Jeong-Bon Kim, Steven Shuye Wang, and Xiaodong Xu(Corresponding author) , 2007,"Firm Performance and the Ownership of the Largest Shareholder", Corporate Ownership and Control, Volume 4, Issue 3, Spring,126-138.

    Xu, Xiaodong and Xia Wang, 2006, "Corporate Governance, Firm Performance and Ownership of the Largest Shareholders", China Accounting and Finance Review, 1, March, 99-184.

    徐晓东.2005. "对'大股东变更、公司治理与公司绩效--来自中国上市公司经验证据'的评论",《中国会计评论》,3(1):197-202.

    徐晓东,2004. "公司治理与资本收益的决定.",《管理评论》,16(9)35-40。

    徐晓东、陈小悦. "第一大股东对公司治理、企业业绩的影响分析",《经济研究》,2003年第2期:64-74。

    陈小悦、徐晓东. "股权结构、企业绩效和投资者利益保护",《经济研究》,2001年第11期:3-11。

    1、Kim, Jeong-Bon, Steven Shuye Wang, and Xiaodong Xu. "Free Cash Flow, Over-Investment and Corporate Governance in China"working paper accepted for presentation at a Research Interaction Forum Session in the American Accounting Association 2008 Annual Meeting, August 3-6, Anaheim, California, USA.

    2、Kim, Jeong-Bon, Steven Shuye Wang, and Xiaodong Xu, "Cash Flow, Working Capital Change and Investment in China", Working paper presented by Xiaodong Xu in a concurrent session in the American Accounting Association 2007 Annual Meeting, August 4-8, Chicago,USA.

    3、Kim, Jeong-Bon, Steven Shuye Wang, and Xiaodong Xu, "Firm Performance and the Ownership of the Largest Shareholder", Working paper presented by Xiaodong Xu in a symposium in the European Accounting Association 2006 Annual Congress, March 22-24, Dublin,Ireland.

    1、国家自然科学基金面上项目:“ 数字经济时代股东积极主义的制度创新、治理效应与机制研究(项目批准号:72372103)”







  • 主要讲授“财务会计”、“公司财务”、“国际财务管理”、“财务报表分析与估值”等课程。
