Li, Zhaohui, and Guohua Wan. "Batching and scheduling in a continuous-discrete hybrid flowshop: Lagrangian relaxation-based heuristic algorithms." International Journal of Production Research 61, no. 17 (2023): 5934-5955.

【Abstract】  We study a two-stage hybrid flow shop problem arising from a fine chemicals production facility, where the first stage is a continuous chemical reaction process and the second stage is a discrete filling-packaging process. The objective is to minimise the total weighted completion time through batching of the jobs and scheduling of the batches at first stage and scheduling of the jobs at second stage. We formulate the problem as a mixed integer programming model and develop a Lagrangian relaxation-based framework for solving it, where the original problem is decomposed into family-level subproblems, and each subproblem is transformed into a set-partitioning problem. The subproblems are solved to optimality via branch and price algorithm. We also propose two heuristic algorithms for reducing computational efforts without much loss of solution quality. Finally, we conduct computational experiments with both randomly generated and real data sets to test the performance of the three proposed algorithms and demonstrate that the algorithms perform efficiently.
