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The 5th International Business School Shanghai Conference·2014

On March 28-29, 2006, the Antai College of Economics & Management hosted "The 1st International Business School Shanghai Conference (2006)" in celebration of SJTU's 110th birthday, the biggest event of its kind ever to have taken place in China or Asia. Under the theme "Cross-Cultural Leadership: Integration Between East and West", the Conference had four topics, i.e. International accreditation of business school, Chinese business schools going global, Integration between East and West, Cross-cultural leadership.

At the conference, development trends in eastern and western management education and research were explored and the going-global strategy for Chinese business schools was seen in new light. It also provided a chance for B-schools to communicate with each other and with internationally renowned accreditation organizations. Around 110 Deans from B-schools, both home and abroad, corporate executives, and executives of international accreditation organizations such as AACSB, EFMD, AMBA, AAPBS, attended this event. All benefited much from this successful conference.

Around the time of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, China began to draw the world's gaze, and has since become a focal point of global attention. During this time, the Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University celebrated its 90th anniversary. Amid the national jubilation, the Antai College of Economics & Management hosted the 2nd International Business School Shanghai Conference (2008). This conference brought together around 200 Deans and leaders from famous business schools and international accreditation organizations. Guests came from all over the world, and partook in a spirited discussion pertaining to what the Social Responsibilities of a Business School entail More than 50 CEOs from Global top 500 companies participated.

The 3rd International Business School Shanghai Conference, co-hosted with The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business(AACSB) - took place at Antai College from 17 - 19 October 2010. With the deep financial crisis in 2008 which has contributed to an astounding loss of wealth and jobs as many businesses worldwide collapsed or were perilously close to insolvency, the 3rd IBSSC made the theme as "Reshaping Business Schools after the Crisis". More than 150 business schools and over 200 business school deans and experts from 32 countries and regions attended the conference.

In the Fourth IBSS Conference, more than 200 deans of business schools and specialists gathered to discuss the theme "Business Education in Emerging Markets" Discussions on the development, reform, and transformation of business education in emerging countries were involved, and curricular innovation, pedagogical approaches, and strategic alliances in the context of emerging economies were explored in 2-days conference. In addition, the business schools' international ranking session would be one of the most important components of the conference. Since we felt that international rankings have become the strategy with the highest priority among deans' councils at Chinese business schools, we hoped to build this platform for all Chinese and other BRICS country schools.
