Delve into the carbon cap and trade system and its future development in China
Time commitment:
1-2 hours/week, 1-2 weeks/coursePace:
IntroductoryTopic (s):
Sustainable DevelopmentChina's cap and trade system is pivotal for combating climate change and curbing carbon emissions. This courses delves into rationale behind the adoption of the carbon cap and trade market in China, closely examines the current status of the system, and forecasts the future trends, shedding light on how the carbon market in China is set to evolve and influence the business operations in China.
This session gives an overview of the global carbon market and China's carbon commitment, as well as how the carbon market may impact business operations.
This session introduces why China needs the carbon cap and trade market. By analyzing two cases of natural sources depletion, Professor Yin explains “the tragedy of the commons” to introduce the tradable permit system and carbon practices in China.
This session introduces the status quo of China's national carbon market in terms of the market size and market price. Professor Yin also discusses the fluctuation of carbon trading with China's policy changes.
This session analyzes the future trends of China's carbon market: 1. Size will expand. 2. Price will increase. 3. More permits are allocated through auction. 4. Financial institutes could play a significant role. 5. Carbon future will dominate.
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