Best Paper Award Competition

2021 CSAMSE Best Paper Award

More details about the 2021 CSAMSE Best Paper Award, please download the attachment.
2021 CSAMSE Best Paper Award.pdf

First Prize

Title: Treatment Planning of Victims with Heterogeneous Time-sensitivities in Mass Casualty Incidents

Authors: Yunting Shi (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Nan Liu (Boston College), Guohua Wan (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)


Second Prize

Title: The Impacts of Algorithmic Work Assignment on Fairness Perceptions and Productivity: Evidence from Field Experiments

Authors: Bing Bai (Washington University in St. Louis), Hengchen Dai (University of California, Los Angeles), Dennis Zhang (Washington University in St. Louis), Fuqiang Zhang (Washington University in St. Louis)


Title: Coordinating Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installation between the Government and Automakers

Authors: Musen Li (Shanghai University), Jiayi J Yu (Fudan University), Christopher Tang (University of California, Los Angeles), Zuo-Jun Shen (University of California, Berkeley)


Third Prize

Title: Loot Box Pricing and Design

Authors: Ningyuan Chen (University of Toronto), Adam Elmachtoub (Columbia University), Michael Hamilton (University of Pittsburgh), Xiao Lei (Columbia University)


Title: Scaling Up Battery Swapping Services in Cities: A Joint Location and Repairable-Inventory Model

Authors: Wei Qi (McGill University), Yuli Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology), Ningwei Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology)


Title: Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chain: Green or Greenwashing?

Authors:Yilin Shi (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Jing Wu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), Yu Zhang (Peking University)

Jenatte Song and Guohua Wan
Hosts for the Best Paper Award Finalist Presentation


Jing-Sheng Jeannette Song
R. David Thomas Professor Duke University

Jing-Sheng (Jeannette) Song, R. David Thomas Professor at Duke University; PhD (Columbia University). Her expertise is in supply chain management and operations strategy. Her current research projects include data-driven operational decision making, 3D printing and supply chain digitization, e-commerce strategies, global supply chain risk management, and socially responsible operations. She is an INFORMS Fellow and a Fellow and former President of the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) Society. She is also a Department Editor for Management Science and Service Science, a former Area Editor for Operations Research. She is a recipient of the Distinguished Overseas Young Scholar Award (海外杰出青年) by the Natural Science Foundation of China and was named a Chang Jiang Chaired Professor by the Ministry of Education in China (教育部长江学者讲座教授). In 2017, she received Outstanding Contribution Award from the Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE).

 Guohua Wan.jpg

Guohua Wan
Distinguished Professor,Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Guohua Wan is currently a distinguished professor of Management Science in Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research interests include operations planning and scheduling, supply chain management, and service operations management. He has published in such journals as Management Science, Operations Research, and Mathematics of Operations Research. He currently serves as a Senior Editor of “Production and Operations Management”.

Past Winners of the CSAMSE Best Paper Award:


First Place

Jing-Sheng Song, Duke University; Yue Zhang, Pennsylvania State University: “Stock or Print? Impact of 3D Printing on Spare Parts Logistics”

Yuqian Xu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Anindya Ghose, New York University; Binqing Xiao, Nanjing University: “Mobile Payment Adoption: An Empirical Investigation on Alipay”

Second Place

Vernon Hsu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Jing Wu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong: “The Financing Role of Inventory: Evidence from China’s Metal Industries”

Third Place

Zhong-Zhong Jiang, Northeastern University; Guangwen Kong, University of Minnesota; Yinghao Zhang, University of Cincinnati: “A Behavioral Investigation of Workers’ Relocation in On-Demand Platforms” 

Bin Cao, South China University of Technology; Xin Chen, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; T.C.E. Cheng, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Yuanguang Zhong, South China University of Technology; Yong-Wu Zhou, South China University of Technology: “Inventory and Financial Strategies with Capital Constraints and Limited Joint Liability”   

Yixuan Liu, The University of Texas, Austin; Xiaofang Wang, Renmin University; Stephen Gilbert, The University of Texas, Austin; Guoming Lai, The University of Texas, Austin: “Pricing, Quality and Competition at On-Demand Healthcare Service Platforms” 


First Place

Boxiao Chen, University of Illinois; Xiuli Chao and Hyun-Soo Ahn, University of Michigan: "Coordinating Pricing and Inventory Replenishment with Nonparametric Demand Learning

Second Place

Dongyuan Zhan, University College London; Zhixi Wan, University of Oregon and Didi; and Leon Zhu, University of Southern California: "Harnessing the Double-edged Sword via Routing: Information Provision on Ride-hailing Platforms

Chen Jin, Kartik Hosanagar, and Senthil Veeraraghavan of University of Pennsylvania: "Do Ratings Cut Both Ways? Impact of Bilateral Ratings on Platforms"

Third Place

Ling Dong, Washington University in St. Louis; Sammi Tang, University of Miami; and Brian Tomlin, Dartmouth College: "Production Chain Disruptions: Inventory, Preparedness, and Insurance"


First Place

Xi Chen, New York University; Will Ma and David Simchi-Levi of MIT; and Linwei Xin, University of Chicago: "Dynamic Recommendation at Checkout Under Inventory Constraint"

Second Place

Weihua Zhang and Hao Zhang, University of British Columbia: "Analytical Solution to a Partially Observable Process Control Problem by a Dual Method"

Third Place

Linwei Xin, University of Chigago and David A. Goldberg, Georgia Institute of Technology: "Distributionally Robust Inventory Control When Demand Is a Martingale"


First Place

Qiuping Yu, Gad Allon, and Achal Bassamboo: “How Do Delay Announcements Shape Customer Behavior?” 

Second Place

Duo Shi, Lingxiu Dong, and Fuqiang Zhang: “3D Printing vs. Traditional Flexible Technology: Implications for Manufacturing Strategy” 

Third Place

Zhang Yue, Li Chen, and Jing-Sheng Song: “Serial Inventory Systems with Markov-Modulated Demand: Derivative Bounds, Asymptotic Analysis, and Insights” 

Xiaole Wu and Liang Guo: “Capacity Sharing between Competitors” 


First Place

Ming Hu and Yun Zhou: “Dynamic Matching in a Two-Sided Market” 

Second Place

Yuanguang Zhong, Zhichao Zheng, Mabel Chou, and Chung-Piaw Teo: “ Pooling and Dynamic Allocation Policies to Deliver Differentiated Service” 

Third Place

Luyi Yang, Laurens Deboy, and Varun Guptaz: “Trading Time in a Congested Environment" 

Honorable Mention

Tunay I. Tunca and Weiming Zhu: “Buyer Intermediation in Supplier Finance”


First Place

Yueshan Yu, Xin Chen, and Fuqiang Zhang: “Dynamic Capacity Management with General Upgrading” 

Second Place

Li Chen, Wei Luo, and Kevin Shang: “ Measuring the Bullwhip Effect with Material Flow Data: Biases and Remedies” 

Third Place

Ye Lu, Youhua (Frank) Chen, Miao Song, and Xiaoming Yan: “Optimal Pricing and Inventory Control Policy with Quantity-Based Price Differentiation" 

Honorable Mention

Yangfang Zhou, Alan Scheller-Wolf, Nicola Secomandi, and Stephen Smith: “Merchant Management of Electricity Surpluses: Storage vs. Disposal”


First Place

Chen, Jiguang; Hu, Qiying; Song, Jing-Sheng: “Contract Types and Supplier Incentives for Quality Improvement”

Second Place

Simchi-Levi, David; Wang, He; Wei, Yehua: “Increasing Supply Chain Robustness through Process Flexibility and Strategic Inventory” 

Third Place

Chenz, Ying-Ju; Zhou, Junjie: “The Benefit of Sequentiality in Social Networks”                                        

Honorable Mention

Lou, Wei; Shang, Kevin: “Managing Inventory Systems with Trade Credit and Payment Defaults”


First Place

Wei Luo and Kevin Shang: “Integrating Inventory Replenishment and Cash Payment Decisions”                                        

Second Place

Tracy R. Lewis, Fang Lin, Jing-Sheng Song: “A Dynamic Method for Achieving Sustainable Quality Supply” 

Third Place

Ho-Yin Mak, Ying Rong, Zuo-Jun Max Shen: “Infrastructure Planning for Electric Vehicles with Battery Swapping” 

Honorable Mention

Shanshan Hu, Zhixi Wan, Qing Ye, Wei Chi: “Developing Supplier Capacity: Cost-Sharing Mechanisms and Experimental Tests”

Tong Wang: “Demand Estimation and Ordering under Censoring: Stock-Out Timing Is (Almost) All You Need”


First Place

Xiaole Wu and and Fuqiang Zhang: “Efficient Supplier or Responsive Supplier? An Analysis of Sourcing Strategies under Competition”                                        

Second Place

Rachel R. Chen and coauthors Esther Gal-Or, and Paolo Roma: “Opaque Distribution Channels for Competing Service Providers: Posted Price vs. Name-Your-Own-Price Mechanisms”

Third Place

Jun Li, Nelson Granados, and Serguei Netessine: “Are Consumers Strategic? Structural Estimation from the Air-Travel Industry”

Honorable Mention

Qi Feng and Lauren Xiaoyuan Lu: “Supply Chain Contracting under Manufacturer and Retailer Competition: Bilateral Bargaining vs. Stackelberg" 

Guoming Lai, Wenqiang Xiao, and Jun Yang: "Supply Chain Performance under Market Valuation: An Operational Approach to Restore Efficiency”


First Place

Rachel R. Chen, University of California at Davis and coauthor Paolo Roma, University of Palermo: “Group Buying of Competing Retailers”

Second Place

Jianxi Luo, MIT and coauthors Daniel E. Whitney and Christopher L. Magee of MIT and Carliss Y. Baldwin of Harvard Business School: “Hierarchy in Industry Architecture:Transaction Strategy under Technological Constraints

Third Place

Zhijian Cui, INSEAD and coauthor Christoph Loch, Jurgen Mihm: “Stakeholders' Influence on Product Design Decisions with Exogenous Uncertainty”


First Place

Lai Guoming and coauthors Laurens Debo and Ling Nan, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University: “Manager Incentives for Channel Stuffing with Market-Based Compensation

Second Place

Zhu Leon and coauthor Hao Zhang, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California: “Optimal Pre-order Discount and Information Release”

Third Place

Chen Li and coauthor Hau Lee, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University: “Rediscover the Bullwhip Effect: On the Measurement and Interpretation with Aggregate Data”

Honorable Mention

Wang Yulan, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, “Two-Wholesale-Price Contracts in a Three-Tier Supply Chain”

Pengfei Guo and Baozhuang NiuLiu Heng of Xi'an with with coauthors Yuan Li, Yi Liu and Heng Liu, Jiaotong University: “How Specific Investment and Absorptive Capacity Affect Manufacturer's Knowledge Acquisition”
