Keynote Speech

As in the past, we will invite world-renown scholars and industry thought leaders to give keynote speeches and lead panel discussions. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Christopher S. Tang, the UCLA Distinguished Professor and the former Editor of M&SOM, Dr. John Birge, Hobart W. Williams Distinguished Service Professor of Operations Management from the University of Chicago, and Dr. Jianmin Jia, Presidential Chair Professor from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, have agreed to be the keynote speakers in CSAMSE 2021 Conference.


Keynote Speaker: Christopher S. Tang
Distinguished Professor and Edward Carter Chaired Professor in Business Administration, UCLA Anderson School

Title:  Improving Supply Chain Resilience: Pandemic Motivated Research Ideas 
Abstract:  Prolonged shortages of PPE, vaccines, and semiconductor chips during the Covid-19 Pandemic exposed the vulnerabilities of global supply chains.  In this plenary talk, I share my observations and discuss potential steps that government representatives, industry leaders, and INFORMS members can take to improve supply chain resilience. 
Speaker Bio: Christopher Tang is a University Distinguished Professor and the holder of the Edward W. Carter Chair in Business Administration at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Known as a world-renowned thought leader in global supply chain management, Chris has published 6 books, 30 book chapters, over 100 online blogs, and over 160 research articles in various leading academic journals, and written articles for Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Barron’s, Fortune, Forbes, Bloomberg Law, China Daily, Los Angeles Times, etc. Chris consulted with numerous global companies including Amazon, HP (California, Singapore, South Korea), IBM (New York, San Jose), Nestlé (USA), GKN (UK), Accenture, etc.; taught courses at Stanford University, UC Berkeley, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, National University of Singapore, MIT (Zaragoza), and London Business School.
Chris is the former Editor of the Journal of Manufacturing and Service Operations Management who has also served on the editorial board for IIE transactions, Journal of Operations Management, Management Science, Operations Research, Production and Operations Management, etc.  He has been elected as a lifetime fellow by the Institute of Operations and Management Sciences (INFORMS), the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), and the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM).  He received his B.Sc. (First class honours in Mathematics) from King’s College, London, M.A. (in Statistics), M.Phil. (in Administrative Science), and PhD (in Management Science) from Yale University. 

Keynote Speaker: John Birge
The Hobart W. Williams Distinguished Service Professor of Operations Management at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Title: Policies for Managing Risk and Information in Addressing Global Issues
Abstract: Many global issues such as the control of epidemics, endemic diseases, and climate change involve significant uncertainties over the costs of the issues as well as the cost, effectiveness and availability of treatment options. Governmental policies concerning the aggregation and revelation of information can have a substantial impact on the overall social impact of these issues and investment into options to address them. This talk will discuss models for this management of information and implications for policy design. 
Speaker Bio : John Birge is the Hobart W. Williams Distinguished Service Professor of Operations Management at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. His work focuses on application, theory, and computation for decision making under uncertainty with applications in the management of operations in finance, energy, health care, manufacturing, public policy, and transportation. He is an INFORMS Fellow, MSOM Society Distinguished Fellow, member of the US National Academy of Engineering, and Editor-in-Chief of Operations Research.   


Keynote Speaker: Jianmin Jia
The Presidential Chair Professor at CUHK-Shenzhen

Title: The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Human Mobility, Digital Behavior, and Industries
Abstract: This talk is based on our recent big data research efforts in studying COVID-19 epidemic and its impact. First, we develop a spatio-temporal ‘risk source’ model that leverages population mobility data not only to forecast the distribution of confirmed cases across different prefectures in China, but also to identify regions that have a high risk of transmission at an early stage. We present statistical models and machine learning approaches that can assess heterogeneities in risk sources of population mobility and estimate the relative contribution of Wuhan vs. non-Wuhan residents and different age groups on COVID-19 transmission risk. Second, we use daily individual-level mobile app usage data, and city-level human mobility data and credit card transaction data to quantify the impact of the pandemic on people’s digital activities and lifestyle changes at different stages of the pandemic based on regression discontinuity in time analysis. We show that the pandemic had unequal impact across gender and age groups, and physical mobility and interactions are a basic driver for most of digital behaviors. Digital behaviors are often embedded within physical environments and interactions, and thus only recover after the physical environment recovers. Finally, we use UnionPay’s credit card transaction data at city level to study economic recovery in different industrial sectors in China and to identify drivers of the recovery after the COVID-19 lockdown based on regression discontinuity in time and difference-in-difference designs.
Speaker Bio : Prof. Jianmin Jia is the presidential chair professor at CUHK-Shenzhen. He was a Professor and Chairman in Department of Marketing at CUHK, Chang Jiang Chair Professor appointed by the Ministry of Education, China, and Dean of School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, China. He received PhD from the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. Prof. Jia served as a member of the National MBA Education Supervisory Committee of China, a member of the Expert Consultation Committee of the Management Sciences Department of the Natural Science Foundation of China, Associate Editor of Operations Research, and Academic Trustee of Marketing Science Institute (US). He received the 2019 Fudan Outstanding Contribution Award of Management, and published in Nature, Nature Communications, Management Science, Marketing Science, Psychological Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Operations Research, and other international and Chinese journals.

Haitao Yin and Huan Zheng
Hosts for CSAMSE Keynote Speech


Keynote Host: Haitao Yin
Associate Dean of the Antai College of Economics & Management, SJTU

Host Bio:Haitao Yin is a professor of Business Economics and Public Policy at Antai College ofEconomics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He obtained his Ph.D. in AppliedEconomics and Managerial Science from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania in 2006,and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at University of Michigan from 2006-2009. His researchinterests focus on how to use market mechanism, information instrument and existing social capitalsto improve environmental and energy policy design and enforcement. His paper has appeared inProduction and Operations Management, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Policy Analysisand Management, Environmental and Resource Economics and many others. He won APPAM bestdissertation award (2008), Society for Risk Analysis Best Paper Award (2011), Outstanding YoungScholars in China (2013) and Chinese Economists Society Best Paper Award (2021).


Keynote Host: Huan Zheng
Professor of the Antai College of Economics & Management, SJTU

Host Bio:Huan Zheng is a Professor in the Department of Management Science, Shanghai JiaoTong University. She obtained her Ph.D. from the Department of Decision Sciences at the NationalUniversity of Singapore in 2007, and BBA from Antai School of Economics and Management,Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2001. She joined Antai School of Economics and Management in2007. Her research interests include Supply Chain Management, Optimization, Data driven Decisions.She has published several papers in Operations Research, Productions and Operations Management,INFORMS Journal on Computing, etc. She got several funds from National Natural ScienceFoundation of China.
